Vitamin Fuzz Radio

Vitamin Fuzz Radio Collective has been transporting you toward unexplored Psychedelic skylines since 2008 with broadcasts via our PODCAST or mp3 downloads. Future broadcasts will be posted spontaneously and about an hour in length. Load a few shows on your portable device to ease the pain of a cross-country trip or gym workout. The shows won't be on the server indefinitely, so get them as soon as you can. Thanks for listening.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Show 48 - Playlist 8/23/2011

Distant hills shimmer in the heat as Phase 3: Agni Detonating Over The Thar Desert spins on the turntable. To my enjoyment the frequency of a fan mixes with the trak producing a hidden drone and a secret trip through the galaxies of my mind. Agni is the two-headed Vedic god of fire and the eldest son of Brahma said to have sprung from the mouth of the Virat purusha, the Cosmic Man. Thar is a desert spanning India and Pakistan. Now, that's cool!
[88 minutes, 84.3 mb, 128kbps]

mp3 download

00:00 Intro
00:46 Naam- Kingdom
13:00 Sleep- Nain's Baptism
16:00 Electric Wizard- Doom-Mantia
24:46 Les Rallizes Dénudés- The Last One
44:01 Sonic Youth- Still
51:12 Electric Wizard- Ivixor B/Phase Inducer
59:50 Heldon- Perspective III
70:29 Tangerine Dream- Phaedra
87:02 Exit Dialogue

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