Show 42 begins with 58 minutes of peaceful calm. The 2nd half of the show was inspired by minimalists Terry Riley and Steve Reich. The improv and repetition hooked up nicely to the ragas and left me in a perfect mood for a hibernating sleep as the rain pattered all nite on my roof.
[104 minutes, 99.4 mb, 128kbps]
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00:00 Intro
02:13 Nikhil Banerjee, Raga Behag: Breif Alap, Gat in Medium & Fasteel
30:38 Kushal Das, Raga: Jhinjhoti, Aochar Alap, Gat in Sitarkhani
44:06 Amjad Ali Khan, Raga Nandkauns: Razakhani Gat
53:02 Ravi Shankar, Raga Mishra Bhairavi: Addha Teentaal
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59:55 Popol Vuh, Ka-White Structures 1
69:57 Steve Reich, Work(s)
76:46 Cluster & Eno, Renomo
81:43 Terry Riley, Poppy Nogood and The Phantom Band
102:50 Exit Dialog
[104 minutes, 99.4 mb, 128kbps]
mp3 download
00:00 Intro
02:13 Nikhil Banerjee, Raga Behag: Breif Alap, Gat in Medium & Fasteel
30:38 Kushal Das, Raga: Jhinjhoti, Aochar Alap, Gat in Sitarkhani
44:06 Amjad Ali Khan, Raga Nandkauns: Razakhani Gat
53:02 Ravi Shankar, Raga Mishra Bhairavi: Addha Teentaal
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59:55 Popol Vuh, Ka-White Structures 1
69:57 Steve Reich, Work(s)
76:46 Cluster & Eno, Renomo
81:43 Terry Riley, Poppy Nogood and The Phantom Band
102:50 Exit Dialog
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