Take flight from the HEAT! Nite is the reprieve. Out on the porch folding chairs unfold. Breezy darkness cools the body and mind. Waving grasses hypnotize passing headlights as they cut through the sheets of rain and thunder. Sip a little lemonade with Vitamin Fuzz number 46. 5 Electronic and experimental tracks for the heat of the summer. [80 minutes, 76.4 mb, 128kbps]
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Douglas Leedy |
00:00 Intro
01:45 Zoltán Jeney- Om Part 1 [1984]
27:58 Bardo Pond- Kali [2009]
47:05 Ghostwriters- Sleep Walker 1980]
53:59 Douglas Leedy- The Electric Zodiac AB [1969]
73:17 Ghostwriters- Dance of The Spiritcatchers [1980]
78:43 Exit Dialogue
VF #45 begins with a Radio Phnom Penh broadcast put out by Sublime Frequencies followed by some tracks I discovered as a result of an email from Ed in Chicago. After a 2 month search I finally found my Electric Wizard CD which inspired a series of doomy metal tracks that relate well to Lyd and Orange Disaster picks by Charles. The playlist pastes an outline for holiday relaxation, then slows to a crawl. Take it as a hint to devise a way to do the same to yourself. Please stand and remove your hat for the final track. Have a great Independence Day! [88 minutes, 84.1 mb, 128kbps]
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00:00 Intro
01:05 Radio Phnom Penh - Synthesizers East Of Siam
05:20 Index - Feedback [1967]
10:19 Eddy Current Suppression Ring - Demon's Demand [2008]
16:20 This Heat - Horizontal Hold [1979]
23:11 Zen Guerrilla - Crow [1996]
27:14 Wiht - Vasta [2009]
43:28 Electric Wizard - Barbarian [2000]
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49:54 Zoroaster - Honey & Salt [2006]
57:29 Earthride - Vampire Circus [2006]
64:23 Lyd - Stay High, Fly Away Is Still Ok [1970]
68:17 Witchcraft - I Want You To Know [2004]
71:33 Larval - One Last Flight [2000]
76:19 Walter Wegmüller - Die Kraft [1973]
79:43 Orange Disaster - Baturité, A Song For a Man Called Christmas
83:10 Gypsy Sun And Rainbows - Star Spangled Banner [1969]
87:00 Exit Dialogue